Our students worked so hard to prepare for our final concerts at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. Here's an action shot during one of our masterclasses. July 2024
Hugs and happy smiles after celebrating our students at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard! Here with my colleagues Scott Holden, Seth Baer and Mika Sasaki. July 2024
Bravo to our amazing, hard-working pianists of Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard! July 2024
With my amazing piano colleagues Scott Holden and Mika Sasaki at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. July 2024
What gorgeous performances by our piano ensembles at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. July 2024
Happy smiles after Avishai's beautiful performance of Chopin's 2nd Ballade at Carnegie Hall! December 2023
Bravo to Avishai who performed at Carnegie Hall in NY as a top prize winner of the American Virtuoso International Competition! December 2023
Beautiful performance by Peter Parker at our Halloween Dress Up Concert. I am impressed that he could see well enough to perform wearing his mask, but he did take off his gloves! October 2023
A young student and I talked about how playing the piano is about communicating a story, emotion or scene. I played Clair de Lune for him, then shared the Line Rider animation of this work. He asked why the man and sled became separated - an amazing question! It's a matter of interpretation, I explained, and for me the rider and chair would reunite and float off into the clouds. This is the beauty of learning piano and studying a piece: each musician can find and create their own story!
Such a pleasure to perform Debussy's Trois Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé with the gorgeous soprano Deborah Selig; I look forward to more delightful collaborations together! Chameleon Arts Ensemble, October 2023
What a privilege to meet composer Eric Moe after performing his work "Frozen Hours Melt Melodiously into the Past."
Chameleon Arts Ensemble, October 2023
An all-female group rehearses Eric Moe's "Frozen Hours Melt Melodiously Into The Past" for Chameleon Arts Ensemble Boston. October 2023
I was not previously familiar with Nocturne and Cortège, delightful short pieces by Lili Boulanger and was so excited and honored to perform them with the beautiful violinist Francesca DePasquale.
Chameleon Arts Ensemble, October 2023
I could not be more proud of our highschool seniors! They are recording their heartfelt performances to include in their college applications. October 2023
I am so excited to be planning for Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, some of my happiest weeks of the year. Stay tuned for more details! (Here with Seth Baer and Tracy Hendrickson of Juilliard K-12 Programs.) October 2023
Goal of the day (less than 2 weeks before concert days): committing tricky spots to memory. Looking forward to performing with my amazing friends at Chameleon Arts Ensemble. September 2023
I am visiting my elderly parents more often, this year, and had my childhood piano tuned and worked on. How interesting it is to be home with my parents, practicing new repertoire, and getting familiar with this old friend, again. September 2023
A good number of our studio pianists are transitioning to ipads, this year, and what a positive development this is! It means more easily having your piano scores if you live in 2 households or go on vacation, making notations in different colors, sharing notes between pianists with airdrop and more! September 2023
What a joy to work with our pianists at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard! July 2023
With Seth Baer, Director of Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. July 2023
With my fabulous piano colleagues Mika Sasaki and Scott Holden at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. July 2023
A tight squeeze with 8 hands on one piano in a performance that included dancing, cartwheels, selfies and more! Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, June 2023
Performing with the delightful Rachel Calloway at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. June 2023
First days of vocal-piano collaborations! Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, June 2023
Piano ice breaker: I was eliminated early! Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, June 2023
Legally I'm "Chang" but that's pretty common, and my lovely married name "Freiheit" is often misspelled (and mispronounced). My youngest students call me Miss Vivian, my older students call me Vivian. At this program, I am referred to as "Dr." and came up with my initial "V" as a compromise to the formality. If I had my choice, I'd simply be Vivian to everyone! In fact, I believe things might be so much better in this world if we were all on a first name basis! June 2023
We've been meeting online for the past 2 years! This was our final virtual piano lesson before meeting in person for the first time at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard! June 2023
Who says piano fingers can't be beautiful? My student arrived dressed for summer in this month of celebrating pride! June 2023
Beyond competitions and college supplements, I think it's wonderful to have a recording of yourself playing a piece you have lived with and mastered, just because! Recording recital pieces has been a totally fun experience to share with my students, this week! June 2023
Incredibly proud of our studio pianists who shared their amazing hard work and beautiful music in our summer concert! June 2023
I adore this piano cake my student Miriam Bernstein made for our studio recital! June 2023
I loved my time as a student at Juilliard! Posed for a quick picture during a visit to NYC. June 2023
Look at these delightful organic musicians drawn by friend and colleague Robyn Bollinger, Concert Master of the Detroit Symphony Orchestra. These wholesome performers will soon greet my students in our studio! May 2023
Such an intense and moving experience to perform with Francesca dePasquale and Gary Gorcyzka at the Goethe-Institut in Boston! We are also thrilled to celebrate Chameleon's 25th season! May 2023
Post-performances of Andrea Clearfield's "Unremembered Wings" with the amazing oboist Nancy Dimock. Our friendship has blossomed over 23 years of performing together! First Church of Boston, April 2023
Always such a delight to catch up with one of our former students! Elizabeth Schumann and I met Drew Tomasiello after our concert at First Church of Boston. April 2023
Very proud of our studio pianists who share in our monthly concerts! This month, our pianists and their families zoomed in from CA, UT, IL, MI, VA, FL, DC, MD and MA. I am so grateful for our beautiful community! March 2023
Congratulations to my student Avishai, who was awarded a prize for his Chopin Ballade and will be performing in Carnegie Hall this December! He works so hard and I am over the moon happy for his recognition! March 2023
Together backstage and deciding the order of the concert's final wave of performers. February 2023
We were bursting from the seams with audience members in adjoining rooms! The support of our studio pianists is incredible. ❤️ February 2023
What I am most proud of is this feeling of community and the positive engagement within the studio. We gather often to celebrate our pianists' hardwork. I always look forward to these concerts where we enjoy beautiful music and mingle over a reception of treats! February 2023
I always look forward to our studio concerts and receptions. It involves a lot of set up and prep, but I love every minute of it. February 2023
Performing at Capitol One Hall in Tysons, VA. February 2023
Rehearsal at Capitol One Hall with the Paragon Pops & Dark Horse Theatre for an evening of storytelling through improv, audience choices and music! February 2023
What delightful performances for the grandparents today! We all zoomed in easily from MD, DC, VA, PA, NY, and MI. February 2023
The best way to end the day: making music with friends. January 2023
Back in the olden days, I had to carry my heavy piano books in a large satchel. It's amazing how this ipad has simplified my life. I have over 500 scores stored in my virtual music library, and the ability to easily notate and send fingerings to my students, and make set lists for performances. Amazing! January 2023
What a beautiful way to end the calendar year, celebrating the hard work of these wonderful students! December 2022
So nice to work with students earlier in the day and at a more relaxed pace when there are half-days at school! November 2022
There's always so much tenderness going on under my piano. I am grateful for Lulu, who keeps me company and brings out the best in us. November 2022
My student and I met with Professor Arthur Greene at the University of Michigan for an amazing piano lesson on Chopin's 2nd Ballade, where we learned about getting "lost in the passion" and creating layers and depth of expression. Also noteworthy was our ability to meet from our pianos in India, DC and Ann Arbor! November 2022
I am back on a practice schedule to prepare for upcoming concerts. Also, checking in on my own progress by recording practice videos. November 2022
For Andrew List's "Gargoyles of Notre Dame" I have strings marked to be plucked, a credit card for the plucking and a strategically placed ipad so that I have full access to the piano. I am also wearing flat shoes for easy standing and getting to my page-turning pedal! There is a lot going on! October 2022
Dress Rehearsal of Andrew List's "Gargoyles of Notre Dame" with Chameleon Arts Ensemble in Boston, MA. October 2022
Chameleon Arts Ensemble is celebrating 25 years! And I have had the great fortune to work with clarinetist Gary Gorczyka during this time. Here we are getting some feedback about balance and presence from our Director Deborah Boldin. October 2022
Stopped by the K-12 office at Juilliard to say hello and begin work on several exciting projects! October 2022
I am so proud of my students who performed with so much heart and finesse! As I told the pianists today: every time you share your music and your hard work, you not only get stronger and find more purpose in your practice, you make this world a better place. To all the music makers out there: play on and play strong! October 2022
I forgot to take a picture before many pianists left, however I am so proud of each of them for sharing their hard work in our first in-person concert of the year! October 2022
Finished our centerpiece for the Halloween Studio Concert. For those tasting, this "spooky mansion" has 30 servings at 120 calories per serving. October 2022
First Virtual Concert of the School Year; so proud of our hard-working studio pianists! October 2022
What a thrill! A little brother played his first duet with older sister, ready just in time for our Halloween Concerts! October 2022
We continue to track progress both in and out of the studio by recording our run-throughs for analyses. Even a phone at the end of the keyboard does an adequate job! October 2022
Experiment: brother pianists helped move the electric keyboard with headphones to the waiting room, this way one could practice while the other had their lesson! I also LOVED that they played 'rock, paper, scissors' stating that the "winner" (and not the loser!) would get the first lesson! Leaving the set up this way to see if other students appreciate it. I personally love it! September 2022
I truly have so much to learn from these pianists who showed up for Practice Party. Not only did they share details of their daily practice routines, they also analyzed why some days and weeks can be hard. We discussed the difference between process and outcome goals, and why it's helpful to focus on the process: the little steps needed to accomplish a big goal well. These pianists warm my heart, what a great way to start a Saturday morning! September 2022
We are in full swing, planning for Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2023! Stay tuned for more news. (Here with Seth Baer and Tracy Hendrickson of Juilliard's Global K-12 Department) September 2022
Pianists are getting ready to perform their pieces for our upcoming Halloween concerts. Very proud of everyone's hard work as they focus on playing with feeling, confidence and from memory! October 2022
Rehearsal with Gary Gorczyca on this gorgeous piano as we prepare for Chameleon's 25th Anniversary Season! September 2022
I am so touched! My sweet and talented student came to my concert with the Paragon Pops! September 2022
Fun times backstage with wonderful friends of the Paragon Philaharmonic. September 2022
Rehearsing with friends in the studio. September 2022
The pole should not have been there when the wall came down...! And my little video cam, not the best. Still, the pianos are tuned and sounding great, and my student is well-prepared to record for a competition. Wish us luck! July 2022
Blown away by our studio's enthusiasm, high level of engagement and incredible support of oneanother. Thank you to these young artists! Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, July 2022
How amazing it is to be able to meet our online students in person for the first time! Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, July 2022
Very proud of Tyler and Jacob, talented and hardworking pianists who study with me during the school year. It was amazing to see them grow as pianists and develop friendships at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2022!
With a few of our amazing pianists at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. Pictured here are young artists from Germany, Australia, California, Maryland, Texas and Washington. July 2022
With my incredibly inspiring colleagues Lynelle Joy Jenkins and Rachel Calloway at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, I learn so much from them and my heart is full! July 2022
Hanging signs in preparation for the arrival of our pianists at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. June 2022
For some students, continuing on Zoom for piano lessons has worked beautifully. I am happy and feel lucky to be online and in-person. January 2022
With the leadership dream team of the Juilliard K-12 office, planning a virtual Open House: Seth Baer, Tracy Hendrickson, Matt Cahill. January 2022
Beautiful music to end the year! December 2021
Incredibly proud of our pianists, who have been working so hard and sharing their music. December 2021
So happy to be in person again, making music with longtime friends. November 2021
Rehearsing with cellist Joshua Gordon of Brandeis University for Chameleon Arts Ensemble Boston. November 2021
Amazing to meet my assistant teacher Mariah Sam in person for the first time after working closely together for the past 18 months on Zoom! So special to be able to attend Mariah's graduation recital and pictured here with her teacher/my colleague Scott Holden at her side. November 2021
A very sweet tune composed by a studio pianist! November 2021
Amazing to be teaching from my childhood piano at my parents' home in Michigan! November 2023
What an experience to hear live music again! The Detroit Symphony Orchestra and Sergei Babayan performed Rachmaninoff 3rd Piano Concerto and we savored this evening out. November 2021
The studio pianists dressed in costumes for our Halloween Concert! We were all delighted and amused to be performing in this way. October 2021
Treats after our Halloween Studio Concert, the best way to celebrate our performers' hard work! October 2021
Lots of setting up for studio concert day! October 2021
Pianists are working hard to prepare for our October Zoom and In-Person concerts! October 2021
Lulu and "The Guinness Book of World Records" help pass the time in the studio waiting room. September 2021
First pop-up Practice Party of the year! So proud of these pianists for showing up and sharing their challenges and ideas in achieving mindful, productive practice. September 2021
The studio welcomed a second piano in time for the new academic year! It means a lot to the previous owner, who is downsizing, that the piano will be played everyday and loved. And for me, it means the world that this piano will give me opportunities to continue learning and growing. I look forward to introducing piano duets and quartets to the studio this year! August 2022
I am so proud of this courageous, hard-working pianist. During my 3 years of mentoring her, she taught me about working hard and keeping hope, even when there seemed to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes dreams come true! (And given current circumstances, I feel her arrival is what we could also call a miracle!) On August 10, she touched down from Afghanistan, days before the Taliban took over Kabul, and soon begins her piano studies at the University of Michigan. Fly, Maram, fly!
As we continue to be mostly at home (and our nest begins to empty), the hubs and I learn new music and improvise on tunes. July 2021
Participating in a virtual Mindfulness & Meditation workshop at Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard. July 2021
Working together with the Piano Faculty for Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, July 2021
Mika Sasaki (Juilliard), Blair McMillen (Bard Conservatory), Scott Holden (Brigham Young University)
Celebrating Summer and Father's Day in our first Studio Concert in 16 months! June 2021
Sweet, savory and healthy treats to follow a meaningful and beautiful in -person studio concert! June 2021
Juilliard Winter Festival, January 2021
Juilliard Winter Festival
Piano Studio
January 2021
We continue on Zoom during these stay-at-home months, but the occasional in-person lesson has been an absolute thrill!
The Studio has been modified for increased safety and is now open on a limited basis. Please inquire for more details!
December 19, 2020
Afghanistan - Utah - Washington DC
Lessons have continued on Zoom. I could not be more proud of everyone's hard work!
A student prepares for studio class.
Beautiful performances today at today's studio class!
October 2019
A student prepares for Sunday performance class.
October 2019
Setting up for performance class and excited to hear my students.
October 2019
Bailey and Lulu are thrilled and ready to play with students and their families.
September 2019
Delighted to be playing violin as my sister's stand partner in the first NIH Philharmonia concert of the season!
National Institutes of Health
Bethesda, MD
September 2019
Performances with my good friends Met Opera violinist Sylvia Volpe and soprano Liesl Odenweller
Chies Sant'Andre
Sarteano, Italy
August 2019
So special to be in Italy practicing and performing on this gorgeous Italian piano.
August 2019
Lesson with a very talented pianist and her teacher Janielle Beh. Inspired by these women for their courage, hard work and hope during difficult times.
Afghanistan National Institute of Music
June 2019
The First Music at Levine Music recorded a Children's cd. So much joy and creativity went into this effort and I loved every minute of working with my talented colleagues!
June 2019
International greetings from our pianists!
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
Proud of our pianists from all around the world!
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
With violinists Annaliesa Place and John Marcus, cellist Diego Garcia and violist Jessica Meyer.
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard, 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
Good times playing this arrangement for 2 pianos, 8 hands! With pianists Scott Holden, Matthew Odell, and Mika Sasaki.
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2019
Geneva, Switzerland
Beautiful performances at our end of the year class.
June 2019
Chevy Chase, MD
"Up Close and Personal" with soprano Mary Mackenzie and flutist Deborah Boldin.
Old South Church
Boston, MA
April 2019
Rehearsing for the US premiere of Gyorgy Kurtag's "In memory of Rozsnyai Ilona" for English Horn, Bass Clarinet, Pianino and Prepared Piano.
American University
Katzen Arts Center
April 2019
I love reading music and teaching with the fabulous pianist Jose Ramos-Santana!
April 2019
British International School
Washington, D.C.
Teaching "Chamber Music with Juilliard" at the British International School in Washington, D.C
April 2019
Sweet, savory and healthy treats for after studio class.
April 2019
Setting up for the 4th of 5 studio classes during the school year.
April 2019
Chameleons spent a fantastic day teaching and performing at the British International School of Boston. March 2019
A delight to always be playing new rep with my good friend Nancy Dimock!
Chameleon Arts Ensemble
First Church of Boston
March 2019
In concert with friends violist Scott Woolweaver and clarinetist Gary Gorcyzcka.
Chameleon Arts Ensemble
First Church of Boston
March 2019
Love this gorgeous piece with Deborah Boldin!
Chameleon Arts Ensemble
First Church of Boston
March 2019
with Matthew Patrick Morris, Clara Kim, Caroline Caro at the British International School in Washington, DC. February 2019
Babysitting my niece while her parents have a dinner out. I used to practice like this when my kids were young!
February 2019
February 2019
with my fabulous colleagues Glen Sewell and Tamara Tucker in the Adult Education program at Levine School of Music.
January 2019
A little emotional while catching up with my wonderful instrumental accompanying teacher Jeanne Kierman Fischer, who I hadn't seen in 25 years!
Shepherd School of Music
Rice University
October 2018
A big hug to the amazing Larry Rachleff, who was my conductor at Oberlin Conservatory.
Shepherd School of Music
Rice University
October 2019
Thank you to our wonderful young artists from all over the world and grateful for my amazing piano colleagues Mika Sasaki and Scott Holden.
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2018
The Piano and Dance divisions explored the musical and historical significance of Stravinsky's Rite of Spring through movement and live performance. What an exciting class, which got us up and moving to irregular meter and rhythms!
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2018
Post concert with the fabulous Jean Paul Bjorlin and Rachel Calloway Streisfeld.
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard 2018
Rehearsal with violinist Sylvia Danburg Volpe and cellist Joel Noyes at the Met Opera's List Hall. 2018
Paused in front of my alma mater for a quick picture. 2018
End of the year concert with 50 violinists at George Washington Masonic National Memorial. 2018
Celebrating with Phil Highfill, my wonderful Vocal Accompanying teacher at Oberlin Conservatory. 2018
Sonatas Master class the violin studio of Stephanie Simms Flack in Alexandria, VA. 2018
Chamber music for the families, Karoake with the highschoolers and musical games with the young ones at the NIH Children's Inn. 2018
performing with the exuberant Soprano Mary Mackenzie
First Church
Boston, MA
Music Class at the Silver Spring Library in Maryland. 2017
My youngest student is blossoming and delights in all the action! I really love my morning classes at Levine where there is so much wonder and discovery happening. In these moments, everything good seems possible. 2017
Beautiful singing with my students in Chevy Chase, MD. 2017
Holiday Sing-a-long with the talented Emily Magenheimer at the Faculty Holiday Party. 2017
Post NIH Philharmonia Concert with the amazing Maestra Nancia D'Alimonte. 2017
The bride and groom rented 2 dozen instruments so that any guest could read the Bach Double with them. Such a beautiful day! 2017
Making music with Zara Lin, Steffani Kitayama and childhood friend Gabe Bolkosky
August 2017
Fun times with violinists Gabe Bolkosky and Stephanie Simms-Flack.
Phoenix Phest Grande
August 2017
Celebration post faculty concert
Ann Arbor, Michigan
August 2017
Faculty Concert: Scott Holden, Vivian Chang, Rachel Calloway-Streisfeld, Jean-Paul Bjorlin, Julia Potulova, Tim Keeler
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
July 2017
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
July 2017
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
July 2017
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
July 2017
Summer Performing Arts with Juilliard
Geneva, Switzerland
July 2017
Sleepy audience in Chevy Chase, MD.
August 2017
Rehearsing at Goethe-Institut Boston.
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
With the stunning Sylvia Volpe Danburg pre-concert in Tuscany, Italy, performing as Artists-in-Residence at the Monteverdi.
With the exquisite Mary Mackenzie to perform Crumb's Apparition for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Post Kerrytown concert with the amazing Miriam Bolkosky and Gabe Bolkosky.
A little Nachtmusik with hubby Mark Freiheit.
A beginning student works on her bow grip and rocket ship song.
Coaching chamber music at Phoenix Phest at Eastern Michigan University.
Sound check for a ceremony at the Crabtree Kittle House.
Performing with Sylvia Danburg Volpe, violinist with the Met Opera Orchestra.
Briarcliff Manor
Vivian and Mother Ducky interact with her students.
Vivian performs Crumb's Apparition at First and Second Church in Boston MA for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Chameleon rehearses Clint Needham's Axioms. Deborah Boldin (flute), Eunah Koh (violin), Scott Woolweaver (viola), Rafael Popper Keizer (cello), Kelli O'Conner (clarinet), Bill Manley (percussion)
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble
Rehearsing at the Goethe-Institut Boston for "Up Close and Personal" concert with Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Photo by @Tess Popper Keizer
Post-duo recital with the fabulous Rafael Popper Kiezer at Goethe-Institut. Joining us is Debbie Boldin, our amazing, visionary Director.
With the incredible Ellen Silver, Cellist and Director of Silver Music.
Vivian's class marches to the beat.
Vivian's class breathes and listens carefully to next instructions.
Vivian's class dances to fiddle tunes.
Performing Three Chassidic Pieces with the fabulous Alexi Kenney at First and Second Church in Boston, MA.
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Taking a selfie pre-concert with Violist extraordinaire Scott Woolweaver.
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
With Violinist Tessa Lark and Mezzo-Soprano Rachel Calloway-Streisfeld following our performance of Charles Ives' "Sunrise." First and Second Church in Boston, MA for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Mary Mackenzie and Vivian perform Crumb's Apparition at First and Second Church in Boston, MA.
Photo by @Matthew Wan for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Rehearsing with the beautiful Gary Gorczyca at Goethe-Institut for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
With the passionate Eunah Koh rehearsing Janacek Sonata for Chameleon Arts Ensemble.
Great musicians and great friends! Post-concert at First and Second Church in Boston, MA. Pictured here: Vivian, Kelli O'Conner, Deb Boldin, Lynn Lundburg, David Cronin, Gabe Langfur and Scott Woolweaver.
A student runs through his piece before performance class at the Studio in Pleasantville, NY.
Motyl Chamber Ensemble: Anoush Simonian, Aleeza Wadler, Julie Becker, Ellen Silver and Vivian Chang Freiheit.
Post-rehearsal with the wonderful violinist and vocalist Sally Barr.
Fun concert at EMU with Stephanie Sims Flack, Steffani Kitayama, Simon Fischer and Meg Lanfear.
Taken after our holiday concert at Lincoln Center. Fun times!